Elected Officials
Connect With Your State Representatives
Let Lawmakers Know How Senior Services Benefit Our Communities
Programs offered through the Huntingdon-Bedford-Fulton Area Agency on Aging and other aging programs receive funding through the Older Americans Act. Lawmakers must understand the importance and critical role of services that keep older Americans safe, independent, and healthy.
The Older Americans Act and several additional programs that support aging with dignity through programs and services offered through the Huntingdon-Bedford-Fulton Area Agency on Aging are considered discretionary. These vital supports for seniors are subject to budget cuts or elimination. Connect with your elected officials to let them know how important these services are to you, thank them for their continued support of seniors, and help ensure that our lawmakers keep these vital aging services in the next FY appropriation bill.
State Elected Officials
State Representative, Hon. Jesse Topper
E-mail: Jtopper@pahousegop.com
78th Legislative District Office Locations:
133 South Richard Street
Bedford, PA 15522
Phone: 814-623-9097
Fax: 814-623-6633
421 Lincoln Way East
Suite A
McConnellsburg, PA 17233
Phone: 717-485-4430
Fax: 717-485-3979
Capital Office Location:
Room 403 Irvis Office Building
PO Box 202078
Harrisburg, PA 17120-2078
Phone: 717-787-7076
Fax: 717-782-2933
TTY: 855-282-0614
State Senator Patrick Stefano
E-mail: Stefano@pasen.gov
District Office Location:
129 E. Penn Street
Bedford, PA 15522
Phone: 814-623-5004
Fax: 814-623-5044
Capitol Office Location:
Senate Box 203032
Harrisburg, PA 17120-3035
Room: 187 Main Capitol
Phone: 717-787-7175
State Representative Hon. Rich Irvin
E-mail: rirvin@pahousegop.com
District Office Location:
612 Pennsylvania Ave
Huntingdon, PA 16652
Phone: 814-644-2996
Fax: 814-644-2999
Capitol Office Location:
106 Ryan Office Building
PO Box 202081
Harrisburg, PA 17120-2081
Phone: 717-787-3335
Phone: 717-782-2884
State Senator Judy Ward
Website: senatorjudyward.com
District Office Location:
201 Lincoln Way West
Suite 102
McConnellsburg, PA 17233
Phone: 717-485-3616
Phone: 717-485-4126
FAX: 717-485-4207
Capitol Office Location:
Senate Box 203030
Harrisburg, PA 17120-3030
Room: 460 Main Capitol
Phone: 717-787-5490
FAX: 717-783-5192
Governing Board – Huntingdon-Bedford-Fulton Area Agency on Aging
Huntingdon County Commissioners
Scott Walls, Chair: swallsr@huntingdoncounty.net
Patrick Reeder, Vice-Chair: preeder@huntingdoncounty.net
Jeff Thomas, Secretary: jthomas@huntingdoncounty.net
233 Penn Street
Huntingdon, PA 16652
Phone: 814-643-3091
Fax: 814-643-8152
Bedford County Commissioners
Mike Stiles, Chairman: mstiles@bedfordcountypa.org
J R Winck, Vice-Chairman: jwinck@bedfordcountypa.org
Deb Baughman, Secretary: dbaughman@bedfordcountypa.org
200 South Juliana Street
Third Floor, Suite 301
Bedford, PA 15522
Phone: 814-623-4807
Fax: 814-623-0991
Fulton County Commissioners
Randy Bunch, Chair: rbunch@co.fulton.pa.us
Steven L. Wible, Vice-Chair: swible@co.fulton.pa.us
Hervey P. Hann hhann@co.fulton.pa.us
116 West Market Street, Suite 203
McConnellsburg, PA 17233
Phone: 717-485-3691
Fax: 717-485-9411