Fulton County, PA Office
Fulton County, PA Office
Huntingdon-Bedford-Fulton Area Agency on Aging
The Fulton County, PA Office of the Huntingdon-Bedford-Fulton Area Agency on Aging (HBFAAA) assists seniors throughout the local region with programs and services that help older adults (as well as the functionally disabled) maintain their dignity and independence, remain socially active, economically successful, and physically and emotionally well. We also offer access to critical services to care for and compassionately assist frailer elderly residents.
Senior Centers in Fulton County, PA
Older adults throughout Fulton County, PA enjoy a variety of activities, learning opportunities, and special events, as well as a sense of community at our Senior Centers. These sites are conveniently located throughout the region to provide a warm, welcoming environment for older adults to gather and enjoy programs and services designed to appeal to the interests of today’s older adult. We invite you to stop in and meet up with old friends and make new acquaintances over a delicious meal or engaging activity! The Huntingdon-Bedford-Fulton Area Agency on Aging supports three Senior Centers throughout Fulton County, PA.
Senior Home Services In Fulton County, PA
If you are like most older adults, you probably prefer to continue living in your own home while maintaining your independence as long as possible. The Huntingdon-Bedford-Fulton Area Agency on Aging strives to support our seniors by providing access to health, personal care, and independent living resources to help ease the transition to a mature lifestyle with dignity. More intensive services are available if needed, as well.
In-Home Care, Transportation, Meals & More
The Huntingdon-Bedford-Fulton Area Agency on Aging is your local source for an extensive array of useful services and enrichment programs tailored to the needs of the individual. Assistance with everything from home health, hygiene, and nutrition needs to transportation, shopping, companionship, and so much more is just a phone call away. Whether minimal or comprehensive care services are required, we provide the types of services our seniors can benefit from the most.
If you are an older adult living in Fulton County and are interested in learning more about the programs and services available or are caring for an elder loved one, contact your local Fulton County Office of the Huntingdon-Bedford-Fulton Area Agency on Aging to learn more at: 717-485-5151. We look forward to hearing from you!
Click Each Box Below to See the Services We Provide
Aging Waiver Program
What is the PDA Waiver Program?
The Pennsylvania Department of Aging Waiver Program is available to people age 60 and older. Through this program, home and community-based services are available to consumers in Fulton County, PA to provide a viable alternative to nursing home care. It is known as a “Waiver” program because the services are provided by a special waiver of Medicaid restrictions. This allows payments that are typically earmarked for nursing home care to be used to promote independent living through the provision of home care services.
How Can the PDA Waiver Program help me?
After a thorough assessment to determine eligibility, services may be available to help consumers live comfortably at home. A Care Manager will help you design a care plan and monitor appropriate services.
Who will provide these services to me?
After the consumer and Care Manager agree on a plan to meet your needs, the Care Manager will authorize the services. The consumer will select from a list of participating providers they want to provide the service. (All service providers are certified by the Pennsylvania Department of Public Welfare to ensure that they meet Medicaid standards.)
*Age 60 and above
*Medicaid financial eligibility
*300% of SSI per month and a limit of $8,000 in resources for consumer in need of PDA Waiver Program services
*Require the level of care of a nursing facility
*Choose to be served in the community at a cost to the Waiver Program not to exceed 80% of the average (state-wide) Medicaid payment for a nursing facility in Pennsylvania (The 80% is based on a twelve-month average)
*Reside in a location where Waiver community-based slots are available
Initial Application
*Consumer or person acting on their behalf contacts Huntingdon-Bedford-Fulton Area Agency on Aging and requests an assessment. Process begins with requesting an MA51 Form from consumer’s physician
*Assigned Care Manager / Assessor conducts a face to face assessment using PDA Options Assessment Form
*Consumer is assisted with financial application as needed
*Area Agency on Aging determines medical eligibility for PDA Waiver services
*County Assistance Office determines financial eligibility and assigns a Medicaid number to the consumer
*Specific Care Plan is developed by Care Manager and consumer to determine consumer’s needs and arrange for home care services
*Homemaker Services
*Personal Care
*Home Health Aide
*Adult Day Care
*Home-Delivered Meals
*Home Environment Modifications
*Medical Supplies and Equipment
*Nursing Services
*Therapies – Physical, Speech, and Occupational
*Mental Health Counseling
*Caregiver Respite Services
*Emergency Response System
*Companion Service
The consumer and the Care Manager will determine appropriateness of services, and the Care Manager will authorize services. Where no provider choice is expressed, available certified providers will be assigned.
Operations of the Huntingdon-Bedford-Fulton Area Agency on Aging are funded in part by the Administration on Aging, Pennsylvania Department of Aging, and the Huntingdon, Bedford, and Fulton County Commissioners.

Huntingdon-Bedford-Fulton Area Agency on Aging
Fulton Office
P.O. Box 59
182 Buchanan Trail
Suite 145
Phone: 717-485-5151
Toll-free: 1-800-637-0315
Fax: 717-485-5606