2025 Day of Caring
Day of Caring Logo

The United Way of Bedford County and the Area Agency on Aging will be coordinating the Annual “Day of Caring” to be held Thursday April 25th. Teams of volunteers will once again travel across the county to assist individuals needing some help with minor chores around their homes.

We are also seeking additional volunteers for projects this year as well as projects. Please contact the Bedford United Way if would like to volunteer or may have projects to submit.

Volunteers will receive a “Day of Caring” t-shirt, light breakfast and lunch on the day of the event. T-shirt sponsors ($100) are also being sought. Sponsor name will be placed on the back of each shirt, identifying them as a 2025 “Day of Caring” sponsor.

Individuals or non-profits requesting help on the “Day of Caring” and individuals/groups/businesses wanting to volunteer and/or be a t-shirt sponsor should contact Katie Fink, United Way of Bedford County, 814.624.0041 or Katie@uwaybedfordpa.org

Farmer’s Market Voucher Distribution Delayed

Voucher Distribution Delayed

Huntingdon-Bedford-Fulton Counties, PA May 2023 — The Senior Farmer’s Market Voucher Distribution for adults over 60 has been delayed due to several issues that have delayed the printing of the checks.

In a notification received by the Area Agency on Aging May 25th, The PA Department of Agriculture conveyed that due to programming delays and other issues, the checks are not printed and will not be available prior to July 1. When the checks are received by the local Area Agency on Aging offices in Huntingdon, Bedford, and Fulton counties, distribution dates and locations will be scheduled.

To qualify for the Farmer’s Market Vouchers, seniors must be at least 60 by the end of 2023, they must be a resident of the county in which they are receiving the checks, they must meet the income guidelines stated below. Income is household income.
1 Person: $26, 973; 2 People: $36,492; 3 people: $45,991; 4 people: $55,500

Seniors may only receive vouchers once in a calendar year. The check amount of the vouchers has increased from $24 a person last year to $50 a person this year. For a couple both people can receive $50 in vouchers.

Vouchers can be used at the local farmer’s markets until November 30, 2023. A list of the local markets that take the vouchers will be listed on the Huntingdon-Bedford-Fulton Area Agency on Aging’s website along with the expected distribution dates, times, and locations as soon as the checks are available.