Satellite Centers
Satellite Centers
The Huntingdon-Bedford-Fulton Area Agency on Aging operates 12 full-time Senior Centers throughout our tri-county service area, as well as our five part-time Satellite Centers located in Chaneysville, Woodbury, and Shade Gap. Our Satellite locations offer a variety of programs for older adults and operate on a limited-hours basis. ALL adults (age 60+) are invited to visit their nearest Huntingdon-Bedford-Fulton Area Agency on Aging Senior Center. No membership or fees are required. Feel free to visit anytime you like during regular business hours or for special events.
Delicious Lunch Meals — Menu
Our Satellite Senior Centers offer lunch every Wednesday (the Shade Gap Senior Center also provides a Thursday lunch). Lunch is served at noon for a suggested contribution of $4.00. All individuals aged 60 and better are served regardless of ability to donate. Be sure to call your local Senior Center 24 hours ahead of time to reserve your lunch.
Good nutrition is essential for everyone and becomes particularly important as we advance in age. Do you know a homebound senior aged 60+ who might benefit from home-delivered meals? If so, please call and let us know.
Activities For Older Adults
Our Satellite Senior Centers offer programs for older adults including meals, transportation, educational classes, recreational activities, health and wellness programs, arts and crafts, and much more. Please contact your local Center for more details. We hope to help area seniors maintain their independence while remaining active, happy, and productive.
Northern Bedford
Satellite Senior Center
P.O. Box 147
4100 Woodbury Pike
Woodbury, PA 16695
Hours: Wednesday 10:00am – 1:00pm
Shade Gap Satellite Senior Center
Fire Company Auxiliary Building
P.O. Box 95
408 Main Street
Shade Gap, PA 17255
Hours: Wednesday & Thursday 8:00am – 1:30pm
Hours: 8:30am – 2:00pm
Wednesday & Thursday
Need a Lift?
Transportation is provided at no cost to or from the center.
List of Services
The Huntingdon-Bedford-Fulton Area Agency on Aging offers a wide range of essential programs and services specifically for older adults in Bedford, Huntingdon, and Fulton County, PA, including benefits counseling, health screenings, legal services, transportation, in-home services, home-delivered meals, and assistance applying for various programs and benefits that can help improve your overall well-being. For a list of services available, please view our Services pages.
Volunteer At Your Local Senior Center
Are you looking for a way to make a difference? Consider donating your time, talent, and energy to help local seniors. As we age and strive to maintain independent lives, we can all use an extra hand from time to time. You can help by preparing a meal, hosting an event at the Center, and helping with general maintenance tasks. If you would like to know what the current area of greatest need is (or have your own idea), please let us know. Thank you for considering helping our local seniors.
Learn more and let us know how you would like to help. We can’t do it without you!